Institute Director

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Engelhardt
Institute Director
Fax: 089 4140 - 3261
Institute Office

Michaela Hennig
Assistance to the Institute Director
Fax: 089 4140 - 3261

Violetta Cavic
Finances / Institute office
Fax: 089 4140 - 3261

Elif Berger
Travel expenses/ Institute office
Fax: 089 4140 - 3261
Postdocs & Scientific Assistants
Independent Junior Research Group

Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Andergassen
Independent Junior Research Group Leader
Doctoral Students
Technical Assistants
SFB Coordination

Dorothea Marquardt
Project Coordination
Fax: 089 4140 - 3261
CNATM Coordination

Patrizia Torelli
Fax: 089 4140 - 3261